Vodafone has launched five new prepaid recharge plans starting from Rs. 79. The new prepaid recharge plans - under Vodafone's Super Plans - offer a combination of data, SMS (short message service), and unlimited local, STD and national roaming calls, the company said in a press release. Vodafone's new prepaid recharge plans are priced . Murali, Business Head - Tamil Nadu, Vodafone India, said, "At Vodafone, everything we do is with a 'Customer First' policy. Each Vodafone Super Plan has been structured to provide the finest value to specific customer requirements. Whatever the preference, Vodafone Super Plans have something for everyone."
Friday, December 7, 2018
Vodafone New Recharge Plans & incoming - outgoing Problem Solution
Vodafone has launched five new prepaid recharge plans starting from Rs. 79. The new prepaid recharge plans - under Vodafone's Super Plans - offer a combination of data, SMS (short message service), and unlimited local, STD and national roaming calls, the company said in a press release. Vodafone's new prepaid recharge plans are priced . Murali, Business Head - Tamil Nadu, Vodafone India, said, "At Vodafone, everything we do is with a 'Customer First' policy. Each Vodafone Super Plan has been structured to provide the finest value to specific customer requirements. Whatever the preference, Vodafone Super Plans have something for everyone."